Nov 27 2014
Changing user agent for RESTClient firefox extension
If you are using RESTClient (and don’t want to switch to CURL) but need to modify the user-client when testing a request, there are two ways:
- Adding a custom “user-agent” header through RESTClient
- Changing the user agent through an extension.
Since RESTClient is an extension, by default it uses the user-agent of firefox.
As a start we can do a test and access the page through the RestClient.
Below is a screenshot of the RestClient accessing a page printing the user agent.
Custom Request Headers
Click the menu “Headers” and “Custom Header” in order to add a User Agent.
For name enter “User-Agent”, and for the Value enter the ID you require.
Below we see that the user-agent sent is now “test test”.
Custom User-Agent through Extension
In cases where the above does not work, or there is the requirement to not send a User-Agent, an extension can be used to change the user-agent of the browser.
One such plugin is “User Agent Switcher” available from .
In my own situation I wanted to remove user-agent altogether, and what worked was installing the extension and adding an Agent called blank. This entry had a space for the user-agent field.
If everything fails…
Write a comment below. It would be interesting to see new problems.
Additionally, some well known command line tools are: