
Bring Misplaced Off-Screen Windows Back to Your Desktop (if all else fails)

This specific content was written 12 years ago. Please keep this in mind as it may be outdated and not adhering to best-practices.
Move Off screen Windows Easily

Move Off screen Windows Easily

I use a dual monitor setup with my laptop, but the annoyance is when I switch to using only the laptop screen and certain windows are stuck out of the screen. I read various posts about this and most deal with right clicking the taskbar and trying out “move” or “cascade”.

I noticed the “Move” method is not available on windows 7 when you are using the classic theme, and various other methods failed so I’m posting my “IF all else fails” alternative.

Download the WinLister application from here

Run WinLister as Administrator and select the window you wish to More

XDebug in XAMPP and Netbeans

This specific content was written 12 years ago. Please keep this in mind as it may be outdated and not adhering to best-practices.

Having written a lot of PHP code for a project using Notepad++, I got tired with the limitations of not having an IDE containing a debugger, and refactoring tools.

Quick post mostly for myself to have a reference on how to setup XDEBUG (which was quite easy using XAMPP).
If you don’t want to go the long road download the full version of XAMPP here 🙂

1) First off as the DLL is already located it does not need to be downloaded.
2) Open php.ini and make the following edits:

A) Uncomment the line zend_extension = “Somethingphp_xdebug.dll”
B) Uncomment the variables and set them as specified by netbeans …

if(!cn_cookies_accepted()){ location.href=""; } alert('test');