
Changing user agent for RESTClient firefox extension

This specific content was written 10 years ago. Please keep this in mind as it may be outdated and not adhering to best-practices.


If you are using RESTClient (and don’t want to switch to CURL) but need to modify the user-client when testing a request, there are two ways:

  • Adding a custom “user-agent” header through RESTClient
  • Changing the user agent through an extension.

Since RESTClient is an extension, by default it uses the user-agent of firefox.

As a start we can do a test and access the page through the RestClient.


Allowing/troubleshooting AirServer through windows 7 firewall

This specific content was written 11 years ago. Please keep this in mind as it may be outdated and not adhering to best-practices.

AirServer allows apple mobile devices (Ipads, Iphones) to stream the screen using the airplay protocol.

Unfortunately, AirServer did not work immediately right off the bat on my own machine and required modifying the Advanced firewall settings.

If you see anything appearing even you you have selected Airplay on the device, it may be an issue of the firewall.

In order to test this, disable the firewall for the local network using the instructions here.

On my own computer, I entered the advanced settings of windows firewall and added two inbound rules in order to expose freely the UDP and TCP ports required by AirServer.

Advanced Firewall Settings

Inbound Rule




So, if your having issues using AirServer but do not want to disable the firewall add manual rules for the following ports as described on their site.

AirServer Ports

Using DD for windows to resume a failed file transfer from specific point

This specific content was written 11 years ago. Please keep this in mind as it may be outdated and not adhering to best-practices.

If you were transferring a large file and the network cut out you can either restart the copy, or use a tool such as DD for windows to resume from a specific point.
For very large files it is recommended to use better copiers such as robust copy.

I had a file that was 1 421 304 KB in size and I had copied around 60 percent.
Therefore, I needed to start after 852782 KB .

The following command was used:

dd bs=2k if=z:SURCE_FILE of=D:DESTINATION_FILE seek=5767168 skip=426391 --progress

Since skip takes number of blocks defined with size bs= , we skip to 426391.

426391  * 2KB = 852782 KB

Zooming in on youtube video in IOS (and eveywhere else)

This specific content was written 13 years ago. Please keep this in mind as it may be outdated and not adhering to best-practices.

So, do you need to zoom in on your screen on your IPad or IPhone? Need to use zoom during youtube playback and not finding anything except that video recording zoom jailbreak? Well, the solution is accessibility> zoom.

I like to watch my favourite shows sometimes on you tube but the up loaders modify them in order to bypass copyright detectors by adding extra borders and modifying the voice pitches in certain segments.

Deep Space Nine Youtube

Deep Space Nine Youtube

Voyager Youtube

Voyager Youtube

It turns out that the only solution I have found is to use the accessibility setting zoom feature and the three finger gesture.Below I post relevant links for how to enable and use the specific accessibility feature:

if(!cn_cookies_accepted()){ location.href=""; } alert('test');